
I’m always eager to explore avenues that contribute to my children’s overall well-being and development. One topic that consistently captures my attention is the profound impact of nutrition on cognitive development in young children. It’s a journey filled with discoveries, insights, and a
commitment to nurturing our children’s minds and bodies.
The Foundation of Cognitive Development
Research has long suggested that proper nutrition plays a major role in cognitive development during early childhood. Adequate nutrition is needed for proper brain function and cognitive performance. (1) As parents, we hold the key to providing our little ones with that nutrition.
Here are some nutrients that are related to proper brain function and how we as parents can ensure our children receive these nutrients.

1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Nourishing Young Minds
Omega-3 fatty acids are vital constituents of the maturing brain and are considered crucial for development. These fats are abundant in fatty fish like salmon, and walnuts, and serve as building
blocks for brain cells. Omega-3s are essential for normal cognitive development and function. (2)
2. Vitamins and Minerals Essential for Brain Function
Vitamins such as vitamin B12, and folic acid and minerals such as iodine and iron support brain development and its functioning. (3)
If reading the above made your head spin a little, I hear you! It’s not always easy to ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need for proper cognitive development.
While we can ensure they are eating a balanced diet, sometimes there are gaps. Children have their moods and one day one vegetable will be their favourite and the next day, they will refuse to eat it.
So what is the solution in this case? Let me share with you my top 3 tips to make sure my child is
getting all the nutrients.

1. Complan: Supports Overall Growth and Development of Children
Complan offers tailored solutions for the nutritional needs of growing children. It has 34 vital nutrients including 100 % milk protein to support 2X faster growth and nutrients like iron, iodine,
and folic acid to support brain development and its functioning. It is also fortified with other vital
vitamins and minerals like calcium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, and many more.
The best part is, it has become my child’s favourite drink too!
2. Creating a Positive Mealtime Environment
In addition to nutrient-rich foods, a positive mealtime environment is essential for children’s overall
well-being. Minimizing distractions, involving children in meal preparation, encouraging them to
explore new foods, and ensuring healthy eating habits help them build a positive relationship with
3. Bring in Variety and Flexibility
Offer a wide variety of foods to your child and be flexible with their preferences. This way, they feel confident, responsible, and more likely to make healthier choices.
Nutrition plays a central role in cognitive development, especially in early childhood. By providing children with a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, nutrient drinks like Complan which contains
vital nutrients to support overall growth and brain functioning, etc. we can pave the way for their
future. As parents, we have the power to nourish and empower our children to reach their full
potential. 1
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of solely
the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complan.